Category: blog


Growing season

The allotment has really come to life in the last couple of weeks. Many go the long-term plot holders are now visiting more regularly and...


Spring Has Sprung

It’s getting on for the middle of March and we’re finally beginning to see the signs of spring that will encourage us to get to...


End of the season

It feels like most of the activity on the allotments is now starting to wind down for the year. There are certainly a few empty...


Feels like summer

The recent few weeks of very hot weather have been a blessing for the plot in that it’s really helped the plants that were struggling...


Sunshine and showers

At last we’ve had a decent amount of rain on the plot. It certainly has been a long time coming. Now that the rain has...



The lovely weather over the weekend enticed many people onto their plots, us included. It was good to catch up with the regulars who we’ve...


News from the plot

Onions and garlic We’ve recently planted more onions and garlic. This is in addition to the large amount we planted back in November of last...



Cucumbers and gherkins We planted cucumbers and gherkins outside this year as a bit of an experiment. We know that they prefer the conditions in...


Summer on the plot

It’s a good time of year to be on the allotment. Nearly all the of the available space is planted and the hard work is...


Sunny Spell

All good things come to an end. And so it is with the welcome spell of hot weather we’ve enjoyed recently. The last few weeks...


Sun is Shining

The extended period of hot weather has really caused an explosion of growth on our plot. Excellent stuff this sunshine! It has meant more time...

It’s Growing

It’s been a busy time on the plot over the last week. Everything is growing nicely and there always seems to be something in the...


Time to Grow

Life on the plot is in full swing now. Excellent climatic conditions have worked wonders on nearly everything that we’ve planted. The slugs are retreating...