It’s time to buy seeds!


Have you decided yet what you intend to grow in 2014? Here are a few ideas to get you started. These are mainly suggestions for planting directly outside and we show you the first months in the year when the climate should become suitable.

Sometimes a second wave of sowing is possible for some vegetables and in that case we also show you when the next wave of sowing could commence.

January – spinach

February – salads, onions and peas. Put aubergines, tomatoes and cucumbers in propagators.

March – start sowing carrots outdoors, broad beans, lettuces, leeks, parsnips

April – radishes, shallots, squash, pumpkin, turnips, Swiss chard, Kohl rabi, Curly Kale

May – sweetcorn, French beans, Runner beans, Pak choi, chicory, courgettes



August – lettuces

September – onions

October – Broad beans, radishes (under cloche from now on)

